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Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Set

Jacquard Procion Mx Dye Set

Regular price $27.99

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Procion MX dye four color set. Procion MX is the most versatile and popular of dyes. It can be used for tie dye, batik, immersion dyeing, and direct application. The colors in this set are completely intermixable to achieve any color desired. This set contains 2/3-ounce each of lemon yellow, fuchsia, turquoise, and jet black, and 1-pound of soda ash fixer. For use in cold water on natural fibers. Made in USA.

  • Includes four colors of procion dye
  • Each jar includes 2/3 ounces of powder
  • Use on various surfaces
  • Made in the USA
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