SINGER Class 15J Threaded Bobbins in Case, 12-Count, Black & White
Regular price $11.03
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This set of 12 Class 15J threaded bobbins can be used in SINGER and other manufacturers’ sewing machines. The pack contains 6 black-threaded bobbins, with 50 yards of thread in each, and 6 white threaded bobbins, with 50 yards of thread in each. The reels come in a reusable plastic case. All thread is 100% spun polyester. Consult your machine’s manual to ensure correct bobbin size. Never add thread to a partially wound bobbin, as it may be uneven and cause thread to tangle or break.
- Set of 12 Class 15J threaded bobbins in plastic case
- Each bobbin contains 50 yards of 100% spun polyester thread
- Set of 12 threaded bobbins, 6 white and 6 black, for use in SINGER and other sewing machines
- Includes reusable plastic storage case
- Never add thread to a partially wound bobbin as it may be uneven and cause thread to tangle or break