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DecoArt TG01-10 Triple Thick Gloss Glaze, 4-Ounce Triple Thick Gloss Glaze (Jar), White

DecoArt TG01-10 Triple Thick Gloss Glaze, 4-Ounce Triple Thick Gloss Glaze (Jar), White

Regular price $7.44

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A high gloss, clear glaze with a diamond clear finish ideal for adding a glazed ceramic look to a variety of hard craft surfaces. Because it is extra thick,only one coat is needed for most surfaces. Goes on smoothly, give objects the illusion of depth, dries quickly, will not yellow, finish resists cracking and it is non-toxic. Use on clay jewelry pieces, wood, pre-primed metal, wicker, plaster, dried flowers, paper mache, resins, bisque and painted china. This package contains 4oz of gloss glaze. Made in USA.

  • Non-toxic
  • Can be used on wood, wicker, plaster, papier mache, resins, painted china, pre-primed metal, pinecones, jewelry, bisque and artifical flowers
  • Goes on smoothly with no stroke marks
  • Finish adds the illusion of depth
  • This product is not intended for outdoor use and is not heat resistant
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