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Coats Eloflex Stretch Thread 225yd-icy Blue

Coats Eloflex Stretch Thread 225yd-icy Blue

Regular price $5.94

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An innovative thread that allows you to sew elastic seams using a normal lock stitch on a conventional sewing machine with Eloflex as the top thread and in the bobbin. Perfect for leotards gym clothing cosplay swimwear knit sportswear and stretch denim. This package contains 225 yards of thread. Colorfast even with chlorine bleach. This thread is ideal for bold topstitching, cording, and stitching hand-worked buttonholes. Obtain a smooth & beautiful finish, consistent tension, balanced twist, excellent stitch formation, low breakage, color-fast and weather resistant with this unique polyester wrapped core spun thread produced using a new advanced spinning technology. Comes in a variety of colors. Each sold separately.
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