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Bakery Emulsions Natural & Artificial Flavor 4oz-Hazelnut

Bakery Emulsions Natural & Artificial Flavor 4oz-Hazelnut

Regular price $9.71

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When it comes to flavoring professional bakers almost exclusively use emulsions over alcohol-based extracts. The flavors are more robust and won't ''bake out" when exposed to heat. LorAnn Bakery Emulsions are water-based alternatives to extracts. If your recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of extract substitute 1 teaspoon of emulsion.

  • When it comes to flavoring professional bakers almost exclusively use emulsions over alcohol-based extracts. The flavors are more robust and won't ''bake out" when exposed to heat. LorAnn Bakery Emulsions are water-based alternatives to extracts. If your recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of extract substitute 1 teaspoon of emulsion.
  • Washing Instructions: N/A
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